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Offshore Partner for
Medical Billing Companies

Enabling revenue cycle aggregators and software providers to grow and thrive with a comprehensive suite of tech-enabled services.

Offshore Revenue Cycle Partner for

Medical Billing Companies and RCM Software Providers

In today’s healthcare landscape, medical billing companies face the dual challenge of upholding high-quality service standards while efficiently managing costs. This complex task is further intensified by evolving healthcare regulations, varied coding norms, and the need for accuracy in billing and insurance processes. Our Offshore Medical Billing Services offer a strategic and multifaceted solution that expertly melds proficiency, cost-effectiveness, and fluid integration, significantly boosting both operational efficiency and profitability.

Our approach is two-pronged: firstly, we ensure affordability without compromising on quality. Offshoring your medical billing tasks can lead to substantial savings in operational expenses, including labor, infrastructure, and technology costs, allowing you to reinvest these resources into other critical aspects of your business. Secondly, we prioritize seamless integration and proficient handling of the complexities of medical billing. Our team of experts, equipped with cutting-edge technology, integrates smoothly with your existing systems. This not only streamlines your workflow but also maintains data security and compliance with all regulatory standards, ultimately enhancing your profitability through strategic and efficient revenue cycle management.

Patient Access Services

  • Insurance Eligibility and Benefits Verification: Ensuring accurate verification of insurance details to prevent billing discrepancies.

  • Patient Registration and Demographics Entry: Streamlining patient data entry processes for accuracy and efficiency.

  • Prior Authorization and Referral Management: Handling authorizations and referrals to expedite patient service delivery.

  • Appointment Scheduling and Reminders: Managing schedules to improve patient turnout and optimize clinic workflow.

Mid Cycle - Coding and HIM

  • Medical Coding Services: Implementing the latest coding standards for accurate charge capture and compliance.

  • Charge Entry and Reconciliation: Ensuring all services rendered are billed correctly and reconciled.

  • Clinical Documentation Improvement: Enhancing clinical documentation to support billing and improve claim accuracy.

  • Coding Audits and Compliance Checks: Regular audits to ensure coding accuracy and adherence to regulations.

Back-Office Revenue Cycle

  • Claims Submission and Management: Timely claim submissions and active management to prevent delays and denials.

  • Accounts Receivable and Denial Management: Proactively managing AR and denials to improve cash flow and reduce revenue loss.

  • Payment Posting and Reconciliation: Accurate posting of payments and adjustments for financial integrity.

  • Patient Inquiries and Follow-up: Handling patient billing inquiries and follow-ups, balancing effective communication with efficient collections.

Reasons to Choose Us
as Your Offshore

Enjoy significant operational cost savings (>50%) without compromising service excellence, allowing for more strategic resource allocation.

 Benefit from a team of skilled professionals using sophisticated workflow technology and automation tools, ensuring streamlined operations.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in BookmarksgrovOur flexible services adapt to your needs, allowing your team to concentrate on core business growth and patient care.e right at the coast

Leverage our broad experience across specialties, coupled with a strong commitment to compliance and data security.

Gain strategic insights from tailored reporting, aiding in informed decision-making and business planning.

We maintain a balance between effective revenue recovery and patient satisfaction, ensuring a positive patient experience.